I was called by my friends at Niceshit Studio in Barcelona to collaborate with a couple of puppet designs in their collaborative effort called Permission to Move, Three Easy steps to Recover from chronic pain, for Australian physiotherapist and author Dave Moen.
It was really amazing to be able to work with the amazing talents at Niceshit and so many other talented friends that also put their creativity and craftsmanship into this effort.

Directed & Produced by Niceshit
Creative Direction: Carmen Angelillo, Guido Lambertini & Rodier Kidmann
EP: Agusta Timotea
Music & Sound Design: Aimar Molero
Art Direction: Carmen Angelillo & Rodier Kidmann
Animation Direction: Guido Lambertini
Design & Illustration: Fede Kanno, Cesar Pelizer, Juan Molinet, Martín Salfity, Carmen Angelillo & Rodier Kidmann
Animation & Clean Up: Erik Righetti, Leo Campasso, Sebastian Baptista, Margarita Rojas, Martin Salfity, Cesar Pelizer, Carmen Angelillo, Guido Lambertini & Rodier Kidmann
Puppets & Set Construction: Gacy Sarubbi
DOP: Agus Verrastro & Pablo Alfieri
Camera: Agus Verrastro & Pablo Alfieri
BTS Photography: Agusta Timotea
Camera Assistant & BTS Edit: Bruno Cosoli
Compositing & Color Correction: Matías Mastrogiano & Agus Verrastro
Storyboard: Carmen Angelillo, Guido Lambertini & Rodier Kidmann
Special thanks to Ingi Guðjónsson & Hamill Industries